
How COVID Will Change the Future of Food, How One Restaurant is Surviving and Why We Need Restaurants More Than Ever

Editor's Note: Plate is making coverage of the coronavirus available to all readers. Find more articles here.

Coronavirus Is Hurting the Restaurant Industry. Here’s How It Could Change the Future of Food

Most of the focus on how COVID-19 impacts the industry is about restaurants, but small farmers—and even the entire local food movement—are at risk as well. Dan Barber explains why, and the tsunami he sees coming, to Katy Steinmetz in this interview at Time.​

How One Chicago Restaurant Is Staying Afloat with Carry-Out as Coronavirus Leaves Industry Scrambling

It’s easy to look around and assume that no one has figured out how to keep a business running at full pace right now. But Chicago’s Smoque BBQ might even turn a profit this year, and has kept its regular staff employed. It’s not all easy (delivery is still problematic), but owner Barry Sorkin says they can keep going like this for the rest of the year. Micheline Maynard explains how over at Forbes.   


I Furloughed 1,800 Employees the Day After My Mom Died. I've Never Needed Restaurants More.

Losing a parent at the same time you face losing your business is unimaginable. Kevin Boehm of Chicago’s BOKA Restaurant Group (and winner, with his partner, Rob Katz, of the 2019 James Beard award for Outstanding Restaurateur) explains how losing his mother as the crisis unfolded reminded him why he needs and loves this industry so much in this beautiful essay at Esquire